Transformations in Eastern Europe Projects



European, National and Regional Identities in Europe. This project uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the changing notions of identity among ethnic minorities on Europe’s Eastern borders – some of them within the European Union and some of them without. 

Health in Times of Transition

Looks at the impact on health for the transformations in the former Soviet Union. The disruption caused by these changes adversely affected many people’s living conditions in the regions with implications for their health. The  project follows on from an earlier on 

Living Conditions, Lifestyle and Health

This EU-Copernikus project aims to study the relationship between living standards, lifestyle and health of the populations of 8 former Soviet countries. 

People associated with this theme

  • Christian Haerpfer
  • Pamela Abbott
  • Roger Sapsford
  • Natalka Patsiurko