Completed PhDs

2017, Danilo Giglitto Using Wikis for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Scotland: Suitability and Empowerment

2015, Marek Szilvasi Roma and the Contradictions of European Inclusion Policies

2014, Ruth Wilson Sociability and Rural Internet Use

2014, Robert H Craig Accessibility and the Capabilities Approach: Towards an aid to decision taking

2014, Alena Vasianovich Exploring population health in Belarus during the transition (1990-2010)

2013, Ivan Kozachenko Eastern Slavic Diaspora in the UK on the Frontier: the making of community

2012, Abdallah Baguma Women Parliamentarians in Rwanda. Women representatives or representing    women?

2011, Willis, Odek  Omondi Formal employment, social capital and health related quality of life: a cross-sectional study among people living with HIV in Johannesburg, South Africa

2006, Florian Pichler To be or not to be, European:  the meanings of European identity from the people’s perspective

2002-2004, Reingard Spannring,.University of Vienna, Youth and Citizenship 

1989, Ken Parsons, University of Plymouth The Youth Training Scheme 


List of all PhD Students

Completed PhDs


Current PhD Students


Current PhD Students

Robert Nartowski (2016 - present) From Settlers to Transnationals: Health Care Experiences of Polish Migrants in London, Paris and Berlin.

Krzysztof Adamczyk (2018-present), A Cohort Study of Social Mobility of Aberdeen Children of the 1950s.

Daniel Mathews-Ferrero (2018 to present) Discourses of Techno-Populism in Europe: Spain, Italy and France Compared.

Nadia Ncube (2018 to present) Matabele Mother-Daughter Narratives of Menstruation.

Simone Haarbosch (2016 to present) European Citizenship  Lost and Found.

Stephanie Garrison (2016 to present) Networked Fans and Imagined Communities: Online Outlander fandom and the creation of natively digital fan communities.

Kathleen Greaver (2019 to present) Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers in Scotland.

Moon Moon Sultana (2019 to present) Cyber Bullying of Women in Bangladesh.

Vicki Kluzik (2019 to present) Platform Society. Online Transformations.
