



  • “Politiques familial et egalite des sexes” Information Sociales. Politiques socials et familiales en Grand-Bretagne 159, Mai-Juin : 46-56 (2010) (with Pamela Abbott)
  • "Dual earner parents’ strategies for reconciling work and care in seven European countries” (2013) Observatoire de la Societe Britannique 14: 73-97
  • “Women and in Rwandan politics and society” (2009)  International Journal of  Sociology Vol 38 (4): 111-25 (with Christian Haerpfer and Pamela Abbott)
  • “Youth policies in Europe. Towards a classification of different tendencies in youth policies in the European Union” (2009) Perspectives on European Politics and Societies (with Rene Bendit) 10 (3): 441-458
  • “What are the reasons for differences in job satisfaction across Europe? Individual, compositional and institutional explanations”.  (2009) European Sociological Review  25: 535-549 (with Florian Pichler)
  • “What leads young people to identify with Europe? An exploration of the impact of exposure to Europe and political engagement on European Identity among young Europeans” (2008) Perspectives on European Politics and Society  9 (4): 466-479(with R. Spannring and G. Datler) 
  • “Household Employment Patterns in an Enlarged European Union” Work, Employment and Society 20 (4): 751-772 (with B.Haas,M.Hartel andN. Steiber) (2006) This article won the prize for the best journal article at the University of Economics, Vienna
  • “If you have a grandpa, send him to Europe” (2005) Slovak Sociological Review, 36 (3): 189-324 (with Reingard Spannring and Georg Datler)
  • “ Work Flexibility in 8 European Countries. A Cross-National Comparison” Czech Sociological Review 39, 6: 773-794 (2003)
  • “Households, Work and Flexibility” (2003) contribution to Social Exclusion, Activation and WelfareDirectorate General Research, Brussels (Proceedings of dialogue workshop)
  • Perspektiven der Jugendforschung im neuen Europa Diskurs 1/2003 :22-33
  • “Household Strategies: their conceptual relevance and analytical scope in social research” Sociology  36 (2) 275-292 , 2002
  • “Politiques familial et egalite des sexes” Information Sociales. Politiques socials et familiales en Grand-Bretagne  159, Mai-Juin : 46-56 (2010) (with Pamela Abbott)
  • “Youth and concepts of citizenship in Moldova” Journal of Youth Studies (2010) 13 (5): 581-596 with Pamela Abbott , Marianna  Mascauteanu and Roger Sapsford
  • “Women and in Rwandan politics and society” (2009)  International Journal of  Sociology Vol 38 (4): 111-25 (with Christian Haerpfer and Pamela Abbott)
  • “Youth policies in Europe. Towards a classification of different tendencies in youth policies in the European Union” (2009) Perspectives on European Politics and Societies (with Rene Bendit) 10 (3): 441-458
  • “What are the reasons for differences in job satisfaction across Europe? Individual, compositional and institutional explanations”.  (2009) European Sociological Review  25: 535-549 (with Florian Pichler)
  • “What leads young people to identify with Europe? An exploration of the impact of exposure to Europe and political engagement on European Identity among young Europeans” (2008) Perspectives on European Politics and Society  9 (4): 466-479(with R. Spannring and G. Datler) 
  • “Household Employment Patterns in an Enlarged European Union” Work, Employment and Society 20 (4): 751-772 (with B.Haas,M.Hartel andN. Steiber) (2006) This article won the prize for the best journal article at the University of Economics, Vienna
  • “Economic transformation outside the law: corruption, trust in public institutions and the informal economy in transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe” Europe-Asia Studies (2006) (with R.Latcheva) (first author) 58 (1): 81-102 
  • “If you have a grandpa, send him to Europe” (2005) Slovak Sociological Review, 36 (3): 189-324 (with Reingard Spannring and Georg Datler)
  • “Work Flexibility in 8 European Countries. A Cross-National Comparison” Czech Sociological Review 39, 6: 773-794 (2003)
  • “Households, Work and Flexibility” (2003) contribution to Social Exclusion, Activation and WelfareDirectorate General Research, Brussels (Proceedings of dialogue workshop)
  • Perspektiven der Jugendforschung im neuen Europa Diskurs 1/2003 :22-33 
  • “Household Strategies: their conceptual relevance and analytical scope in social research” Sociology  36 (2) 275-292 , 2002
  • “Households, Work and Flexibility”, (2001) contribution to the volume Researching Family and Welfare from an International Comparative Perspective, Edited by Linda Hantrais, Directorate Technology Foresight and Socio-economic Research, European Commission, Brussels 
  • “Patterns of work flexibility in typical jobs in Eastern and Western Europe” (2009) in Mueller, Karl, H and Tos, Niko Three Roads to Comparative Research: Analytical, Visual, Morphological  Edition Echoraum, Vienna (with Endre Sik)  pp 33-54 ISBN: 978-3-901941-17-7
  • “Recent Migration from the new European Borderlands” (2009) in Fassmann, Heinz, Haller, Max and Lane, David (Editors) Migration and Mobility in Europe. Trends, Patterns and Control Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK and Northampton, USA pp 144-160
  • “New Patterns of East-West Migration” in Naerssen, Ton van and van der Velde, Martin Migration in a New Europe: People, Borders and Trajectories (2008) Societa Geografica Italiana, Rome
  • “Family Forms and the Young Generation in the New Europe: Future Trends” in Lutz, W., Richter,R. And Wilson, C. (2007) The New Generations of Europeans. Demography and Families in an Enlarged European Union., Earthscan. London and Sterling VA.
  • “Working conditions and quality of work: a comparison of Eastern and Western Europe” in Alber, ., Fahey, T. and Saraceno, C. (2007) Handbook  of Quality of Life in Europe Routledge: London and New York
  • “Patterns of Social Capital in Europe”  in Gehmacher, E. Kroismayr, S., and Neumueller, J. (eds) Sozialkapital. Neue Zugange zu gesellschaflichen Kraften. Vienna. Mandelbaum Verlag pp 80-92 (with Florian Pichler) (2006)
  • “Migration, Family and Welfare in East-Central Europe” in Pflegerl, Johannes and Trnka, Sylvia (eds.) Migration and the Family in the European Union.  Austrian Institute for Family Studies, Heft 13, (2005) pp195-208
  • “Social Capital and Economic Performance in Post-Communist Societies”  (with C. Haerpfer and M. Raiser) in Koniordos, S. (ed.) Networks, Trust and Social Capital, Ashgate, Gower, 2004
  • “Young people in Post-Communist countries: Vanguard of Change or Lost Generation?” In Horowitz, Tamar, Kotik-Friedgut, Bella and Hoffmann, Stefani, Maryland and Oxford: University Press of America, 2003
  • “Social Networks and Social Capital“ in  Torsello, Davide and Pappova, Melinda (eds) 2003, Social Networks in Movement. Time, interaction and interethnic spaces in Central Eastern Europe.  Forum Minority Research Institute, Lilium Aurum, Samorin-Dunajska Streda
  • “Jovenes Cuidadanos: La integracion politica y social de la juventud en Europa oriental y Occidental”  in Benedicto, Jorge and Moran, Maria Luz Aprendiendo a ser cuidadanos. Experiences sociales y construccion de la cuidadania entre los joves, Instituto de la Juventid, Madrid, 2003
  • “Social capital and economic development in Central and Eastern Europe” (with C.Haerpfer) in Fischer, Joachim and Gensior, Sabine (editors) Sprungbrett Region? Strukturen und Voraussetzungen vernetzter Geschäftsbeziehungen, Edition Sigma, Berlin, 2002
  • “Patterns of participation in the informal economy in East-Central Europe, 1991-1998” (with Christian Haerpfer) in Neef, Rainer and Stanculescu, Manuela (eds.) The Social Impact of Informal Economies in Eastern Europe. Ashgate Gower: Basingstoke, (2002)
  • “Young people as political and social actors in different regions of Europe” (with Reingard Spannring and Christian Haerpfer) (2002) in  Tivadar, B. and Mvar, P. (eds.) Flying over or Falling through the Cracks?  Young people in the risk society.   Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth, Ljubljana