- Gathering together: social capital, cultural capital, the value of cultural heritage in a digital age Social and Cultural Geography (with David Beel) (forthcoming)
- Gypsy-Traveler communities in the UK and the Netherlands: socially and digitally excluded? Media, Culture and Society. (with Koen Salemink and Leanne Townsend) (forthcoming)
- “Cultural resilience: the production of rural community heritage, digital archives and the role of volunteers” (2017) Journal of Rural Studies 54:459-468 (with David Beel, Gemma Webster, Hai Nguyen, Marsailli Macleod, Elisabeth Tait and Chris Mellish)
- ‘Broadband and the creative industries in rural Scotland’ (2017) Journal of Rural Studies 54: 451-458(with Leanne Townsend, Gorry Fairhurst and Alistair Anderson)
- ‘Great expectations of small country living? Enabling small rural creative business with ICT’ (2016) Sociologica Ruralis 56 (3): 450-468 (with Alistair Anderson and Leanne Townsend)
- “Six Factors for Success in Community Broadband Initiatives” Interactions. Jan-Feb XX111.1 (with K. Vincent) (2015)
- “Community Broadband Initiatives: What works and why?” (2015) Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on Communities and Technologies. ACM. New York, NY, USA, 109-117 DOI=10.1145/2768545.2768548 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2768545.2768548 (with K. Vincent, C. Luguzan and H. Talbot)
- Building virtual bridges: how rural micro-enterprises develop social capital in online and face to face settings (2015) Sociologica Ruralis (with Leanne Townsend, Alison Smart and Timothy Norman) 56 (1): 29-47
- ‘Stuck out here’: the critical role of broadband for remote rural places (2015) Scottish Geographical Journal 131 (3-4):171-180 (with Leanne Townsend and Godred Fairhurst)
- ‘The Geographies of Community History Digital Archives in Rural Scotland’ (2015) Beel, D. E., Wallace, C. D., Webster, G. & Nguyen, H. : Scottish Geographical Journal.131 (3-4) :201-211
- ‘A virtual geography of the Scottish Islands’ (2015) Scottish Geographical Journal 131 (3-4): 228-244 (with Ruth Wilson and John Farrington)
- “CURIOS Mobile: Linked Data Exploitation for Tourist Mobile Apps in Rural Areas” Semantic Technology (2014) pp129-145 with Nguyen, Hai, H., Beel, D., Webster, G., Mellish, C., Pan, J.Z., Edwards, P.
- Enhanced broadband access as a solution to the social and economic problems of the rural digital divide. (2013) Local Economy 26: 580-595 (with Leanne Townsend, Arjuna Sathiaseela and Gorry Fairhurst).
- “Creating Sustainable Digital Community Heritage Resources using Linked Data” 2012 (with E.Tait, M.MacLeod, C.Hunter)Conference Proceedings Supporting Digital Humanities. Answering the Unanswerable.
- “Can Digital Technologies increase Engagement with Community History?” 2012 Proceedings of conference Digital Engagement (with C.Mellis, E.Tait, M.MacLeod, C.Hunter)
- “Local Electronic Repositories: who are the users and what is the impact?” 2012 Conference proceedings A Decade in Internet Time: OII-ICS Symposium (with C.Mellish, E.Tait, C.Hunter)
- “Can Information and Communications Technology Enhance Social Quality?” International Journal of Social Quality 2 (2): 98-117 (2012)
- “The ethics of using social media data in research; a new framework” in Woodfield, Kandy (ed.) (2018) The Ethics of Online Research, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, UK
- “Community Wellbeing and Information Technology” in S.Lee, Y.Kim and R.Phillips Handbook of Community Wellbeing and Community Development Springer Verlag, Dordrecht, 2017
- “Information Technology and social cohesion. A tale of two villages” (2017) Journal of Rural Studies 54: 426-434 (with K. Vincent, C. Luguzan, L. Townsend, D. Beel)
- Dot.rural: This project uses digital economy to transform rural areas. It is part of an RCUK (Research Council UK) funded project involving a number of different themes. The theme for this group of researchers concerns Enterprise and Culture.
- Cultural heritage: Involving David Beel this focuses on rural communities both in the Outer Hebrides working with Hebridean Connections and the Commain Eichdriadh movement (CURIOS) and with Portsoy on the Moray Firth where we are assisting with the digitisation of heritage collections.
- Rural Business: LeanneTownsend is working on projects to assess the impact of superfast broadband on rural businesses (ASSURE) and on creative communities (SIRA)
- CornCob funded partially by BT and by dot.rural is looking at digital technologies in creative communities in Cornwall
- EVIDANCE funded by the AHRC and looking at the social impact of cultural heritage in rural Scotland.
- CCNetwork+ is an EPSRC network devoted to horizon scanning and scoping the future of digital technologies in the field of Cultures and Communities
- Social Media: developing, understanding, infrastructure and engagement is funded by the ESRC and develops methodologies for analysing social media as a contemporary phenomenon
Other people associated with this theme are Karen Salt, and Danilo Giglitto, Gemma Webster, Pamela Abbott, Ivan Kozachenko and Kathryn Vincent